Friday, August 28, 2009

part la

for this installment, i'll jump to my quick day trip up to LA to visit drea, one of my most favorite people in the world. i rode the train up saturday afternoon -- no doubt the best way to get to LA, no driving and it's beautiful...until you get near LA.

this photo was taken from the train, i couldn't believe how close we got to the ocean. we also passed several beaches which were fat with weekend families; most of them busy with sandy cracks and boogie boards, it was funny to see people (usually the dad of the family) standing there watching the train whiz by.

when drea picked me up, our first stop was for a lil treat -- aaaaaaa-freaking-mazing cupcakes. my red velvet cupcake was spectacular. behold...
my time in LA was beyond perfect. after our delicious sweet treat, we drove around the strip to see the walk of fame (from the car was enough) and the mobs of people. the street "performers" are so terrifically bad. seriously, the spiderman was a guy in his pajamas. yet people pay these idiots so they can have their picture taken with them. hilarious. then we drove thru beverly hills just to see. we got take out and went back to drea's where i met her roomate, saucy brown -- a new favorite that the universe apparently doesn't want me to play with very much.

then we went to a gathering of friends for a game night and played "celebrity" a very fun game with fabulous group of queers. afterwards we went to a dance club and shook booties like mad. then we passed out, waking up just in time for a coffee run on my way to the train station.


  1. Your stay was far too short! Come back before I get deported please!

  2. i SO wish i could have! booooo

    the US could not afford this loss of sauce...
