Wednesday, April 25, 2012


so, last saturday i was cleaning up for an open house that was to take place sunday. i threw out my back when i decided to adjust the TV position a little. i only wanted to move it a few inches, and as i lifted it with my back, i felt the right lower side pop. i dropped to the floor, short of breath and soon became nauseous from the first waves of pain. i had to cancel the open house since i was not able to walk, drive, or sit anywhere. sunday i was still gasping with each step - unreal how much serious back pain affects nearly every single movement or bodily function.

took a sick day on monday to see my chiropractor and my doctor. my primary Dr was on vacation, and i wasn't able to get an appointment until 3pm, the pain was still intense on monday, although i was finally able to walk without holding on to something. my chiro did a slight adjustment, and the Dr gave me some nice meds to get thru the week. so, needless to say, i was feeling FINE on monday night - sitting up and everything. feeling that i have missed too many days already this year, i decided i would go to work on tuesday. the meds i got are too strong for me to take while working with students, so i suffered thru the day with advil and slow movements.

today i was feeling extra stiff and sore in the morning, so took one more sick day - ahhhhh! i am getting close to being able to stop shuffle-walking. time for a nap, me thinks.

been having to kill a ton of time of course, loved these random moments of poor dumbasses over-focsed on their cell phones, like the guy who almost bumped into a bear when he was leaving his house.

so much fun to watch other people's idiocy, no?  in china, a woman chatting on her phone fell into a sinkhole.

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