Saturday, February 18, 2012

just 50 million years away

hooray for long weekends. i have never loved or internally honored our presidents harder...

a recent story made me giggle and perked my perk. scientists have known for a long time that the continents are moving slowly and readjusting themselves on the planet. most of us learned about the supercontinent named Pangea in high school. if your school didn't teach you that, you probably were told that the continents were intelligently designed and put into place by big bird.

Pangea split apart into the continents we see today, and they continue to move around. scientists believe that they will collide again and form another supercontinent, but they weren't sure where it would occur. a recent study predicts that the new supercontinent will form over the north pole, and (my favorite part of the story) it is referred to as amasia. fucking love that name -- i have a lovely friend in paris who needs to use that as her stripper name... you know who you are

the following week, a taiwanese basketball player did well somewhere, and this quietlyracialslur appeared. white people are so creative.

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